Story of Delphinus
When he first saw Amphitrite,
Poseidon wanted to marry her but Amphitrite preferred to stay single.
So she ran and hide in the Alantis Mountains. Poseidon was persistent
and sent the dolphin delphinus to find her. Delphinus searched until
he found Amphitrite among the islands. Delphinus then persuaded her
to marry Poseidon. As a reward for his help Poseidon made Delphinus
into one of the constellations.
Story of Scylla
Thought her husband was often
unfaithful, like his brother Zeus, Amphitrite seemed to be a faithful and
dutiful wife except one time. She loathed Poseidon's infatuation
with the sea nymph Scylla. By throwing magical herbs into Scylla's
bathing pool, Amphitrite changed her rival into a dog-like monster with
twelve feet and six heads. Each head had three rows of close-set
teeth. Her cry was a muted yelping. Scylla seized sailors and cracked
their bones before slowly swallowing them.
Story of Theseus
Minos, King of Crete, did not
believe Theseus when he said he was the son of Poseidon. So Minos
threw his signet ring overboard and challenged Theseus to dive in and find
it. Not only did the hero retrieve the ring from the underwater palace
into which it had fallen, but he was given a golden crown by Amphitrite.