"To Nereus and to Doris ... there were born in the barren sea daughters greatly beautiful even among goddesses: Ploto and Eukrante and Amphitrite ..." -Theogony 240-264
"[Nereides:] Kymodoke who, with Kymatolege and Amphitrite, light of foot, on the misty face of the open water easily stills the water and hushes the winds in their blowing." -Theogony 252-254
"From Amphitrite and Poseidon, loud-thundering earth shaker, was born great Triton." - Theogony 930-931
"At sea amid Amphitrite's billows" -Odyssey 3.99
"A throng of seals, the brood of lovely Halosydne." -Odyssey 4.404
"Some god may send out against me, from the brine, one of the swarming strange huge creatures in the breeding grounds of Amphitrite." -Odyssey 5.440
"[Leto was in labour] and there were with her all the chiefest of the goddesses, Dione and Rhea and Ikhnaia and Themis and loud-moaning Amphitrite." -Hymn to Delian Apollo 94
"But sea-dwelling dolphins
were swiftly carrying great Theseus to the house of his father, god of
horses, and he reached the hall of the gods. There he was awe-struck at
the glorious daughters of blessed Nereus, for from their splendid limbs
shone a gleam as of fire, and round their hair were twirled gold-braided
ribbons; and they were delighting in their hearts by dancing with liquid
feet. And he saw his father's dear wife, august ox-eyed Amphitite, in the
lovely house; she put a purple cloak about him and set on his thick hair
the faultless garland which once at her marriage guileful Aphrodite had
given her, dark with roses. Nothing that the gods wish is beyond the belief
of sane mortals: he [Theseus] appeared beside the slender-sterned ship.
In what thoughts did he check the
Knossian commander [Minos]
when he came unwet from the sea, a miracle for all, and the gods' gifts
shone on his limbs." -Greek Lyric IV Bacchylides Frag 17
“Great god of the sea [Poseidon], husband of Amphitrite, goddess of the gold spindle.” –Pindar Olympian 6 ep5
”The barbarian naval host was driven back in confusion on the fish-wreathed bosom of Amphitrite with its gleaming folds.” –Greek Lyric V Timotheus Frag 79
”Highest of gods, gold-tridented
Poseidon of the sea, earth-shaker amid the teeming brine, with their fins
swimming beasts dance round you in a ring, bounding lightly with nimble
flingings of their feet, snub-nosed bristle-necked swift-racing pups, the
music-loving dolphins, sea nurslings of the young goddesses the Nereides,
whom Amphitrite bore [ie Amphitrite was the mother of the dolphins]: you
brought me [Arion] to the cape of Tainaron in Pelops’ land when I drifted
the Sikelian Sea, carrying me on your humped backs, cleaving the furrows
of Nereus’ plain, a path untrodden, when treacherous men had thrown me
from the sea-sailing hollow ship into the sea-purple swell of the ocean.”
–Greek Lyric V Anonymous Fragments 939 (from Aelian,
On the Nature of Animals)
“[Minos king of Krete] hurled insults at him [Theseus] and denied that he was a son of Poseidon, since he could not recover for him the signet-ring, which he happened to be wearing, if he threw it into the sea. With these words Minos it is said to have thrown the ring, but they say that Theseus came up from the sea with that ring and also with a gold crown that Amphitrite had given him.” –Pausanias 1.17.3
”The offerings inside [the temple of Poseidon at Korinthos] were dedicated in our time by Herodes the Athenian, four horses, gilded except the hoofs, which are of ivory, and two gold Tritones beside the horses, with the parts below the waist of ivory. On the car stand Amphitrite and Poseidon and there the boy Palaimon upright upon a dolphin. These too are made of ivory and gold.” –Pausanias 2.1.7
“The wave of blue-eyed Amphitrite, roaring over the wine-dark sea.” -Pausanias 10.37.6
“On the altar [of Aphrodite at Amyklai, Lakedaimon] are wrought in relief, here an image of Biris, there Amphitrite and Poseidon.” –Pausanias 3.19.3-5
“The offerings of Mikythos I found [at Olympia] were numerous and not together …[statues of] Amphitrite, Poseidon and Hestia” –Pausanias 5.26.2-3
“[Images on the throne in the temple of Zeus at Olympia] There are also reliefs of …Amphitrite and Poseidon.” –Pausanias 5.11.8
“[Iason to the Argonauts:]
‘They [the Libyan Nymphai] said that when Amphitrite had unyoked the horses
from Poseidon’s rolling chariot we were to recompense our mother amply
for what she had suffered all the long time she bore us in her womb. Now
I admit that the meaning of this oracle eludes me … ‘ The Minyai listened
with amazement to his tale. It was followed by the most astounding prodigy.
A great horse came bounding out of the sea, a monstrous animal, with his
golden mane waving in the air. He shook himself, tossing off the spray
in showers. Then, fast as the wind, he galloped away. Peleus was overjoyed
and at once explained the portent to the others. ‘It is clear to me,’ he
said, ‘that Poseidon’s loving wife has just unyoked his team. As for our
mother, I take her to be none but the ship herself. Argo carried us in
her womb; we have often heard her mroaning in her pain. Now, we will carry
her. We will hoist her on our shoulders, and never resting
never tiring, carry her
across the sandy waste in the track of the galloping horse. He will not
disappear inland. I am sure that his hoofprints will lead us to some bay
that overlooks the sea.” –Argonautica 4.1353
“Minos is said to have drawn a gold ring from his finger and cast it into the sea. He bade Theseus bring it back, if he wanted him to believe he was a son of Neptunus Poseidon]… Theseus, without any invoking of his father or obligation of an oath, cast himself into the sea. And at once a great swarm of dolphins, tumbling forward over the sea, led him through gently swelling waves to the Nereides. From them he brought back the ring of Minos and a crown, bright with many gems, from Thetis, which she had received at her wedding as a gift from Venus [Aphrodite]. Others say that the crown came from the wife of Neptunus [ie Amphitrite], and Theseus is said to have given it to Ariadne as a gift, when on account of his valor and courage she was given to him in marriage.” –Hyginus Astronomica 2.5
“Constellation Delphin. Eratosthenes and others give the following reason for the dolphin’s being among the stars. Amphitrite, when Neptunus [Poseidon] desired to wed her and she preferred to keep her virginity, fled to Atlas. Neptunus sent many to seek her out, among them a certain Delphinus, who, in his wandering s among the islands, came at last to the maiden, persuaded her to marry Neptunus, and himself took charge of the wedding. In return for this service, Neptunus put the form of a dolphin among the constellations.” –Hyginus Astronomica 2.17
Theogony - Greek Epic C8th-7th BC
Odyssey - Greek Epic C9th-8th BC
The Homeric
Hymns - Greek C8th-4th BC
Odes - Greek Lyric C5th BC
Greek Lyric
IV Bacchylides, Fragments - Greek Lyric C5th BC
Greek Lyric
V, Anonymous Fragments - Greek Lyric (?)BC
Rhodius, The Argonautica - Greek Epic C3rd BC
, Guide to Greece - Greek Geography C2nd AD
Astronomy - Latin Mythography C2nd AD
Women of
Classical Mythology - English Encyclopedia of Mythology C20th AD
The Encyclopedia
of Classical Mythology - English Encyclopedia of Mythology C20th AD